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Port of Olympia Launches Research Vessel to Address Legacy Pollution

By Kristin Withrow posted 01-16-2024 06:06 PM

Port of Olympia

This article was written by Karen Robes Meeks and published by Pacific Maritime Magazine on January 9, 2024.

The Port of Olympia has deployed a research vessel to determine the scope of legacy pollution in Budd Inlet.

Launched Jan. 8, the research vessel is tasked with collecting sediment samples in the inlet over the next two months for lab analysis. The results would help the port develop a cleanup plan.

“The Port of Olympia recognizes the importance of addressing legacy pollutants in Budd Inlet,” port Director of Strategic Initiatives and Commission Affairs Camille St. Onge said.

“We understand our responsibility to the community and the environment,” she added. “While we are obligated by the Department of Ecology to conduct this investigation, we want to emphasize that it is also an opportunity for us to right the wrongs of the past and contribute to a cleaner, safer environment for generations to come.”

The port also said that it is committing to a comprehensive plan to restore the shoreline.

“This initiative aims not only to repair environmental damage but also to create a vibrant community space,” port Director of Environment Programs and Planning Shawn Gilbertson said.

These efforts could also mean an opportunity for economic growth; the project has resulted in a partnership between the port and Evergreen State College that would allow students in the environmental program to have field experience, the port said.

More about the project is available at

Districts Make The Difference note:

Each port in Washington state is governed by its own commission, which acts as a board of directors for the port. The commission is elected by citizens in the port district and may consist of three or five commissioners.

The Port of Olympia is a municipal corporation governed by five elected commissioners who set policies and objectives. Each commissioner represents a district within Thurston county and serves a 4-year term.

